Wednesday, April 4, 2012

April 3, 2012

This morning I got up and had a chocolate crescent (yay!) and yogurt for breakfast.I got readyer the meeting  for work and went downstairs. We left right at 9 for work, discovered a quicker way to get from the Tube to the train,  (for future use) and then got on the train. We missed one of the possible buses we can take by about a minute, but another came about a minute later so it was no problem.

Once at work we continues with our adviser stuff and I worked on summaries of each interview. We went through each of our research questions and said how we answered it as well as what the answer was. We also got a chance to see one of the staff's homes, which was really nice of her. It was nice to be able to see the homes people are living in. Once back, I had breakfast for lunch, good as always. After lunch we  finished up what we needed to do and worked on an agenda for tomorrow.

Since we had to be at the church by 4 for our meeting with our adviser's, we left at 2:45 PM and took the bus to the Tube station, where we took the Northern Line back into the city.We then had a meeting with our adviser and it went okay, not wonderful but not absolutely terrible either. After the meeting I did situps and pushups and ran a half hour. I then showered and made food. After I ate, Kate and I went on an adventure to find a Ben & Jerry's for free cone day! I had chocolate fudge brownie, it was delicious :) After Ben & Jerry's we went to a Marks & Spencers (a JC Penny type store). I think I may go shopping in a weekend or two and get some opaque tights and maybe a dress/skirt. After, we took the Tube back and I relaxed for the rest of the evening.

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