Saturday, April 21, 2012

April 20, 2012

I was up at 7 today and ate breakfast, then got ready for work. At 8:30 we met and left for work, arriving at the very full platform, but luckily getting on the first train that arrived. Once at work we got to work finishing up the final presentation, staff materials, and all the fun! (just kidding) For lunch the cafe was really busy so we decided going out would be easier. We did and went to a place around the corner that was really inexpensive. I got chips and chicken wings, and it was not so great, but it worked. At about 3 we were at a good stopping point so decided to catch the 3:19 train.

Once back, I stopped at Tesco and then ate and got ready to go out with Erin. We went to the British Museum (my 3rd time, haha) and I was happy cause I did see stuff that I hadn't seen. There was a display case I believe called "Cradle to Grave" and it showed a how many pills people take in their life time basically, and showed it through a married couple. It was really cool. I also saw several other things I hadn't seen before.
Vases in the British Museum

A necklace of flowers...from nearly a couple thousand years ago

After the British Museum we planned to go to St. James's Park to look for Pelican's. We ended up heading a different way cause we thought we could get there. We ended up right next to Buckingham rather than farther away from it. We were going to just pass it by but I noticed it had colors on it, and asked Erin if she had noticed it from the last time we saw it at night. She said no so we ran across the street to see what was up. There was a thing going on called "Face Britain" which projected the queen's portrait as well as kid's self-portraits and it's planning on breaking a world record of some sort. It's only going on April 19,20,21 from 8:30-11:15 PM So we really lucked out just happening to stumble on it. I was really happy we saw it. After seeing that we walked to Westminster Station and head back to Nido for the night.
Face Britain

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