Tuesday, March 20, 2012

March 19, 2012

Today was a good day. I got up and started working on my project with my team until noon, and then at about 1:15 we met up to go to some place…the Parliament building! It was really cool. We got there and went through security and then sat around until 2:30. We were supposed to be meeting with an MP (Member of Parliament) but I guess something came up so we met with a couple of her assistants instead. They were very helpful and really nice. After meeting with them we asked if they would mind taking us around the building and they did!
Parliament Building after our trip!
We were in the Portcullis House, which is where the MPs offices are. They said that the building wasn't too excited, so we took the tunnel under the street to the Parliament Building and walked around there a bit! We walked around the back where there are open areas for drop-offs for different things in the building, and eventually we made it to the more main parts of the building. Unfortunately the houses were in session so we weren’t able to see the chambers, so we just walked in the main areas. It was really a beautiful building; some of the things on the walls were just so beautiful and breathtaking. I really enjoyed it.
Outside looking at the side of the House of Lords

Windows in the big hall in Parliament
My favorite part that I was about 15 feet from where the Queen will be the 21st (tomorrow!) when she will be presented with a stained glass window by Parliament to celebrate her Diamond Jubilee. It’s really cool that we were able to see it all set up and everything, even though we couldn’t walk around that area. The area though was really cool because it’s so old. It was actually around when Henry VIII was Kind and he had events and stuff in it. Another cool fact we learned is that MPs have 8 minutes after a vote is called to vote, and it’s done in an old fashioned way so people go to either a yay or no, and then the door is shut and people are counted.  Because of this, when a vote is called bells go off around all the government buildings in that area, and while we were talking in one part three men ran by and we were like they must be MPs.

Me close to where the Queen will be the next day!

After a walk around we headed back to Nido and relaxed after a unique day at the Parliament Building!

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